Celebrating Christmas Without Breaking the Bank
Christmas Day is getting closer and closer, and the excitement is rising. But, unfortunately, for many people, so are their financial stress levels. Christmas is an expensive time of year. With all of the decorations, gifts, snacks, and events that we feel the need to pay for, the numbers can soon add up and throw us over the edge. Thankfully, to ensure a memorable and financially stress-free holiday, we’ve compiled the top money-saving tips and advice for celebrating Christmas on a budget. So, let’s explore practical strategies for navigating the season of good cheer without straining your finances. Here are a few ideas:
Understanding the Financial Landscape
In the USA, the average spend on Christmas in 2022 was £932, a large increase from £805 in 2020, according to Statista. However, despite spending being so high, around 52% of Americans accumulated debt during the 2022 holiday season. So, what can we do to avoid this in 2023?
Clear Budgeting
Budgeting plans should be used year-round. But with the increased spending around the Christmas period, it’s especially important. With the drastic changes in outgoings around the festive months, it’s essential that individuals begin dividing specific amounts for gifts, decorations, food, and other expenses to ensure they create the perfect Christmas budget. This way, you can enjoy the holiday season without any extra stress or overspending.
Gift Price Limits
One of the biggest expenses is gift giving and gift purchasing. Surprising those around us is something that brings joy and excitement to not only the individual who purchased the gift but also the receiver. However, if you have a family or close circle on the larger side, buying gifts becomes a very expensive and stressful process. Therefore, it’s important to facilitate stress-free budgeting by setting agreements and rules for everybody to follow. This way, everyone can partake in the holiday joy without exceeding their financial limits.
Communicating with Family and Friends
Despite debt being such a big factor at this time of year, it is rarely spoken about. Although keeping quiet might be the most comfortable option, opening up to those around you could definitely benefit your situation. By being honest and communicating about the pressure surrounding the season, people will become more accommodating and supportive. Furthermore, this transparency may lead to shared expenses for gatherings, fostering a supportive and understanding atmosphere during the festivities.
Borrowing Loans
Payday loans are one of the most common forms of financial borrowing; however, they do have their downfalls. Therefore, we suggest searching for alternative routes before applying for a loan, for example, borrowing from those around you. In many cases, you’ll find that if people can afford it, they’ll always want to help. Just be sure to set up a written agreement to maintain your healthy relationships throughout the duration.
On the other hand, not everybody has this option. If you’re struggling with your finances, here at LoanPigUSA, we can help. Click here to learn more about short term loans.