How Much Should You Be Saving Each Month? This is something that varies from person to person due to the difference in wages, bills, and even lifestyles. Not everybody should be saving the same amount as everyone else as it just wouldn't work and would lead to problems
Money Saving Tips During The Coronavirus Outbreak
Money-Saving Tips During The Coronavirus Outbreak Staying at home, avoiding any trips to the cinema, shopping malls, meals out and even general shopping will be impacting your finances. The outbreak of the coronavirus has likely cut down your monthly spending by quite a
How you can Budget in 3 Easy Steps
Budgeting Done in 3 Easy Steps Budgeting isn’t something that comes naturally to everyone. Some people can find the process really difficult and confusing, leading them to fall into some sort of debt. The process isn’t only good to save some money, but it is also
Is the Envelope System the Best Budgeting Method?
Is the Envelope System the Best Budgeting Method? Saving is an essential part of life and finances. We need to save to ensure that we are able to fall back on something when unexpected bills hit or even to make sure we are able to afford all of the things we need. There
Should You Live on a Weekly Allowance as an Adult?
Should You Live on a Weekly Allowance as an Adult? If adults stuck to the idea of a weekly allowance like we give our children, would we be better at saving money? Having a weekly allowance or budget of some sort is a great idea. However, many people tend to stir away
4 Habits to Change To Get Out of Debt
4 Habits to Change To Get Out of Debt Going from struggling financially to becoming debt-free isn't a quick or easy process, but it's possible. It starts with changing the way you think about debt and the way you approach your finances in general. If you want to get out
How to Use Payday Loans Effectively
How to Use Payday Loans Effectively If you're in need of a payday loan and you've not had enough money to save up then a payday loan might be something worth considering. Payday loans can help tide you over until your next payday. They can provide the financial
How to Train Yourself to Become a Better Saver
How to Train Yourself to Become a Better Saver Do you want to make saving a priority, rather than an afterthought? If the answer is yes, then these tips can help you get into the savings habit, leaving you in better financial shape for the year ahead- and beyond. Read
Easy Ways to Save Money Fast (Even If You’re a Spender)
How to Save Money Fast When You Are a Spender Being good with money is about more than just making ends meet. Some people are natural-born savers. Others, not so much. Were you born to spend? Saving money won't come easily, but it's not impossible. Were here to help you
Emergency Fund: How Much Money Should You Have?
Emergency Fund: How Much Money Should You Have? If you don’t have the cash to cover an emergency, you’re taking a big risk because unexpected expenses are inevitable. You don’t want to find yourself in need of cash you don’t have, which is why you must have an