Emergency Fund: How Much Money Should You Have? If you don’t have the cash to cover an emergency, you’re taking a big risk because unexpected expenses are inevitable. You don’t want to find yourself in need of cash you don’t have, which is why you must have an
5 Ways to Save Money Grocery Shopping
5 Ways to Save Money Grocery Shopping Make a list. Don’t hit the grocery store when you’re hungry. Clip coupons. Buy stuff on sale. You’ve heard the same obvious grocery shopping advice before, but here’s the reality: Your mad supermarket dash after work (or
Money Saving Resolutions for the New Year
New Year's Money Saving Resolutions When it comes to money, setting money saving New Year’s resolutions for yourself is easy, but committing to and following through with those resolutions is a completely different story. This is why it is important to set realistic
How to Host Thanksgiving on a Budget
How to Make Thanksgiving Budget-Friendly Have you ever wondered how you can possibly host a Thanksgiving dinner and still afford all your Christmas gifts? If you just answered yes, we're here to help. It is definitely possible to host a generous, palate-pleasing
Going Green: 5 Ways to Save the Planet and Money
Go Green: Save the Planet - and Money From cycling to work to using reusable water bottles, we list the small changes that can make a big difference. If you have been inspired to change your lifestyle by Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish climate change protestor,
5 Ways to Teach Your Kids Good Money Habits
How to Teach Good Money Habits to Kids Being a parent isn’t always easy… especially when it comes to teaching kids good money habits. With this in mind, we all probably remember our first meeting with money management coming in the form of a piggy bank. You’d
Why is Feeding a Family so Expensive?
Why is Feeding a Family so Expensive? With each new day, we see the prices of everyday items like food and sanitary items going up. Many dread these price hikes and only a few manage to make ends meet. People with families, however, struggle particularly more because of
Smart Technologies that can Help you Save Money
Smart Technologies that can Help you Save Money It’s always said that in order to save, you need to minimize your spending. But did you know that there are some instances that spending helps you save in the long run? Well, investing in smart technologies is one such
5 Easy Side Hustles
5 Easy Side Hustles so you can start to make Money Right Now! People are always looking for ways to be able to earn a little extra money. Thankfully there are many options out there which allow people to boost their income. Here we look at 5 easy side hustles that you
Keeping Track of your Short Term Money Goals
Where Does My Money Go? – Keeping Track of your Goals Many of us find it hard to keep track of our spending, whether it be juggling bills to pay, childcare costs, rent arrears or a short term loan, especially in a world where we’re constantly using plastic to pay