5 Ways To Entertain The Kids During Quarantine
We understand that being stuck at home in quarantine can get boring very quickly, especially if you don’t have a routine or know how to keep entertained. However, many families are enjoying the opportunity to spend quality time with their children and trying out new activities. It is likely that your children are bored and are wanting to see their friends like they usually do. But, there are plenty of other ways to keep them occupied by staying inside or playing in the garden. Keep on reading to find out our top five ways to entertain the kids during quarantine.
1. Baking
Even if baking is new to you, or you are not the best there are plenty of step-by-step recipes you can follow to make your life easier. One of the best things you can do during quarantine is to teach your kids how to make their treats. It is a great time to help them get into the swing of cooking in the kitchen. There are recipes for children of all ages that can be found for free all over the internet. So, why not try that out?
2. Keep the Kids Active
There are plenty of online tutorials which you could find on a web-enabled device or a TV that can help to keep your kids active. One of the most common things people like to do at the moment is to follow workout tutorials on YouTube. People are enjoying the amusement of the whole family attempting to follow different routines. Perhaps it is a great way to keep your family entertained too.
3. Make a Den
Building a den can be a great opportunity to remember your childhood and the fun you had. Dens can be easily made inside or out All you need is a few chairs, a sheet and some cushions for comfort. Sometimes, creating a basic, simple den isn’t what we all want. Your kids might want to become more adventurous and include various other items like cardboard boxes, fairy lights, duvets or even their favorite toys. This is a perfect way to entertain the kids during quarantine.
4. Illustrators
During the quarantine period, many professional illustrators have published free, online tutorials for people to follow. So, if your children enjoy drawing and getting creative, there are plenty of ideas floating around at the moment. It is a great way to not only keep them occupied but also to improve their skills.
5. Make use of FaceTime
Your kids will likely be missing their family and friends. Going from seeing their friends every day at school to not at all is a large change. That is why making the most of your phone is a great way to keep in touch. Yes, it is easy to message them, but why not step it up and choose to FaceTime instead? This way you can see them through the screen and lost feel like you are together. It may online be for a short while, but it is better than nothing right?
Quarantine doesn’t have to be a boring period. You just need to ensure you keep yourself and your family active. This way the time will fly by and you will feel as though you have made the most out of the time you have spent together as a family.