How To Get a Loan With a Bad Credit Score Loan choices appear to be more limited when you have a bad credit score. But remember, there are many different types of loans and loan providers available which could suit your individual situation. For anyone seeking a loan,
Money Saving Resolutions for the New Year
New Year's Money Saving Resolutions When it comes to money, setting money saving New Year’s resolutions for yourself is easy, but committing to and following through with those resolutions is a completely different story. This is why it is important to set realistic
Why Do People Make New Years Resolutions?
Why We Make New Years Resolutions It’s that time of year again: the time to make New Year’s resolutions. What could be better than starting the year with hope and with promises to be more successful, more productive, or more loving? The debate has already begun. New
How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions
How to Stick to Your New Years Resolutions You've finally run out of turkey for sandwiches and curries, there are no more Christmas films on TV and the family-size box of chocolates is empty (except for the coconut ones). Attention has now turned to the year ahead and
How to Host Christmas Dinner on a Budget
How to Host Christmas Dinner on a Budget Who doesn't love Christmas? It's a time for family, fellowship and, of course, food. We believe that anyone can get in on the festivities - even if your budget isn't much to celebrate. If it all falls to you to host Christmas
The Difference Between Payday and Installment Loans
The Difference Between Payday and Installment Loans When you need to borrow some money, it can be difficult to know which type of financial product is right for you. There are loads of different lending options available. We're here to help you understand the difference
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting a Loan
Ask Yourself These Questions Before Getting a Loan There are some situations where getting a loan can be useful. And while it isn’t always a good idea, in the right circumstances debt can help you achieve your goals and leave you better off in the long run. There are
How to Reduce Your Credit Card Debt
How to Reduce Your Credit Card Debt When you're trying to reduce credit card debt, a mix of planning and perseverance can help you reach that goal. Just as it takes time and determination to climb a mountain, it takes time and determination to conquer a mountain of debt
How to Host Thanksgiving on a Budget
How to Make Thanksgiving Budget-Friendly Have you ever wondered how you can possibly host a Thanksgiving dinner and still afford all your Christmas gifts? If you just answered yes, we're here to help. It is definitely possible to host a generous, palate-pleasing
Going Green: 5 Ways to Save the Planet and Money
Go Green: Save the Planet - and Money From cycling to work to using reusable water bottles, we list the small changes that can make a big difference. If you have been inspired to change your lifestyle by Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish climate change protestor,