How to Teach Good Money Habits to Kids Being a parent isn’t always easy… especially when it comes to teaching kids good money habits. With this in mind, we all probably remember our first meeting with money management coming in the form of a piggy bank. You’d
Direct Payday Lender vs Broker | What’s the difference?
What is the difference? Direct Payday Lender vs Broker? It's time to understand the difference between direct payday lender vs broker. With all the jargon surrounding borrowing, it's easy to get confused. And at LoanPigUSA that's the last thing we want you to be - we
What to Do If Your Personal Loan Is Rejected
Rejected for a Personal Loan? Let's find out why... Having a rejected personal loan application can be disheartening. It's easy to become discouraged, especially if it delays plans to consolidate debt or renovate your home. However, don't dwell... take action! Within
Get Smart About Credit Day | Take Control
Get Smart About Credit: Tips & Advice Did you know that every third Thursday of October is National Get Smart About Credit Day? If not, well now you do! This year, national #GetSmartAboutCreditDay falls on October 17 and we are going to help you get ready for it.
How to Make Money in Social Media
How to Make Money in Social Media Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube make huge sums of money for their owners. For those of us who use these platforms, success is usually measured in likes, follows and retweets, all of which can feel fleeting. As much
Help on How to Control Emotional Spending
Help on How to Control Emotional Spending Emotional spending is attributable to various human feelings. Feelings such as depression, boredom, excitement and under-appreciation and result in purchasing items one does need or did not plan to buy. Shopping has been seen to
How to Save Money on Restaurants and Takeouts
How to Save Money on Restaurants and Takeouts There is no doubt that food is a big part of all our lives. Not only in terms of needing it to survive but also just for the sheer enjoyment it brings. For many people, the ultimate experience in terms of food is going out
Applying for a Payday Loan
What you need to consider before Applying for a Payday Loan A payday loan can be extremely useful. However, depending on your circumstances, they may not be the right choice for you. Getting the right payday loan for you requires some consideration - think about the
Caring for Your Child with Special Needs
Caring for Your Child with Special Needs It can very difficult raising a child and it makes it all the more challenging if your child has special needs. In this article, we discuss all the possible ways in which you could potentially improve care for your child. Your
Why is Feeding a Family so Expensive?
Why is Feeding a Family so Expensive? With each new day, we see the prices of everyday items like food and sanitary items going up. Many dread these price hikes and only a few manage to make ends meet. People with families, however, struggle particularly more because of